A safe and culturally relevant space where elementary boys are taught social and emotional skills by Black male teachers and interns who look like them, for free.

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BMT Academy

Opening doors of educational opportunity for all youth, free of charge.

How many Black male educators has your child experienced? How many do you think he will have in his lifetime? Data tells us that it is not likely that your child will be placed with a teacher that looks like him.

BMT Academy is a space where we are building a pathway for Black men to become educators, and also providing a safe space for young scholars to be seen, heard and supported by teachers who look like them.

As we continue to expand our network of partner schools, BMT Academy is gearing up for a future return. Stay informed about upcoming developments, new partnerships, and key updates by signing up for our newsletter today!

BMT Academy 2024 Schedule

April 13th, 2024
9:00am - 12:00pm
April 20th, 2024
9:00am - 12:00pm
April 27th, 2024
9:00am - 12:00pm
May 4th, 2024
9:00am - 12:00pm
May 11th, 2024
9:00am - 12:00pm

Join Us at Patrick Henry High School

  • Transportation provided (MPS School Busses)
  • Breakfast and Snack provided.

The result:

Last year was a huge
success For our interns and students.

BMT ACademy Students

Guiding and educating the next generation.

Our aspirations and goals with Black Men Teach Academy are simple: Give children the opportunity to learn first-hand from a Black Educator who shares similar perspectives on education, work, and life. Last year, Academy students provided us with feedback relating to how the program effected their Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making.

Of our students saw improvement as it relates to naming and understanding emotions.


Of our students saw improvement in their ability to "choose friends that help make good choices".


Of our students saw improvement in their ability to take on difficult challenges and succeed.

BMT ACademy internS

BMT Academy was remarkably effective in exposing interns to the day-to-day roles and responsibilities of licensed teachers. Interns created their own plan for building classroom culture and expectations; they studied curriculum and prepared lessons that were engaging and culturally relevant; they became reflective practitioners and adjusted their approach to instruction and methods to classroom management when needed. This wasn’t an exhibition. This experience was very real for our interns and their students - it produced real results that will have a major impact on their plans for the future.

Academy Gallery

100% of OUR INTERNS reported

That becoming a teacher is something they can attain and do well in.

That participating in BMT Academy has increased their desire to be teachers.

That becoming a teacher is something they can attain and do well in.

That because of BMT Academy, they are more likely to choose education as their major in college.

That BMT Academy was extremely or very influential in their decision-making process to pursue education as a career path.

That participating in  BMT Academy has increased their understanding of the skills required to make a successful teacher.

*Based off 2022's program feedback