Black Men Teach is a non-profit committed to equalizing education. We believe it's a crucial step to shine light on the existing inequalities within the education system.

the current situation

Minnesota is one of the best places in the country to get a public school education unless you are Black.

Studies show white teachers are twice as likely to have low expectations for classes of predominantly Black and brown students when compared to teachers of color. This is a problem, because 90% of Minnesota teachers are white, and 70% of Twin Cities public school children are students of color.

Nationally, Minnesota ranks last in disparities between Black and white student graduation rates. 

These children represent our future, and we can do a better job preparing them to enter college and the workforce. Minnesota’s disparities in education are a significant factor contributing to the opportunity gaps that exist and exacerbate the insidious status quo in other disparities in health, housing, and income for all BIPOC communities. 

Black students represent 12% of the student population in Minnesota, while Black teachers make up only 1.4% of the teaching corp.

Black Students
Other Students
Black Educators
Other Educators

In the State of Minnesota
only 0.5% of all K-12 teachers are Black men.*

Making the difference

Black Men Teach is committed to helping educational prospects overcome the barriers of entry to the educational workforce.

Today, Black education graduates average $25,000 more in student loan debt and face a 120% debt-to-income ratio compared to 61% for White graduates.

In Minnesota, Black educational prospects represent 8% of students enrolled in teacher preparation programs, while only 2% successfully graduate from those programs.

Black Men Teach confronts the lack of teachers of color, specifically Black men, by working with key partners on all aspects of teacher development to strengthen pathways for Black men to become elementary school teachers.

Through our partnerships, BMT works to overcome recurring obstacles for BIPOC candidates, including lack of recruitment, inadequate teacher training, poor induction, unwelcoming school culture, low entry-level compensation, and lack of meaningful career paths.

Collective Passion








Collective Passion








supporting our youth

The presence of Black male teachers in elementary schools has a significant positive impact on children of color, especially young Black males, by providing teachers in whom they see a reflection of themselves.

Studies show Black male teachers spend more time mentoring and counseling students than teachers of any other demographic. And, Black male teachers are most likely to have entered the profession because they wanted to teach a curriculum that affirms the identities of students of color.

Having just one Black teacher between K-3 increases the likelihood of Black students enrolling in college by 13%. Adding a second one in that time period increases the likelihood by 32% Having just one Black teacher in grades 3-5 decreases the likelihood of a low-income Black student dropping out of high school by 39%.